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Centeral London

Men’s Face Reshape

About Men’s Face Reshape

Non-surgical treatment specifically for Men to sculpt the Face. Alter your face shape and add definition to your face naturally.

Revolumisation of the Cheeks, width and Masculinity giving you sharper cheekbones.

Chin and Jawline enhancement, giving you a stronger chiseled Chin and adding squareness to the Jawline.

Lip Fillers and Tear Trough can be added as part of this face package.

Our Doctors will recommend the type of Filler and amount required to achieve your treatment goal.

Dermal fillers are injected into your skin to soften lines, folds and wrinkles and to also give volume to areas which have lost their support. Dermal fillers can also be used for facial re-contouring to improve facial features and profiles.
We only use the top brands which have undergone many years of testing and research. We mainly work with the JUVÉDERM which is composed of Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid naturally exists within the skin and it absorbs water giving volume, shape, hydration and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid has minimal risk of reactions and is more readily accepted by the body than other silicone or collagen fillers.

How it works?

Your face shape will be assessed and injection sites marked. A different filler will be chosen for each of the areas you wish to treat, thicker fillers for areas that require volumisation and lighter fillers for delicate areas that need lifting. A topical anaesthetic is first applied and left to numb the skin for 20-30 minutes. The dermal filler is then injected into the area required using a very fine needle. Results can be seen immediately after dermal filler treatments and generally last up to 12 months or longer.

What should I expect at my Appointment?

Your face will first be assessed and the location the filler to be injected is marked. Your Doctor will go through the type and amount of filler to be used and ensure your treatment goal is achieved. Before pictures will be taken and during the procedure you will be given a mirror so you can check you treatment results immediately. If you wish to have more filler this can be injected.

Am I suitable for the treatment?

This treatment is specifically for Men who would like to enhance facial features giving a sharper jawline and chin, lifted cheekbones, shaped nose and a more masculine face.

How many sessions do I need?

A single session of Dermal Fillers & Anti-wrinkle Injections will give you results. The dermal fillers will last on an average of 12 months and you can have a top up anytime you feel you need it.

Is there any Downtime?

After the treatment you can resume your normal activities although you may have minor bruising and minor scabbing at the injection sites which heal fully in a week or so.


You will clearly notice enhanced facial features and your cheeks will be fuller, firmer and lifted, your jawline and chin will be sharper and more prominent, and wrinkles reduced. Overall you will achieve a more masculine face shape.

How long will the Results last?

The results will last up to 12 months but this really depends on each individual patient.

Related Treatments

Why not compliment your Face Reshape Fillers treatment with Tear trough for Eyes and Lip fillers.

Why choose Expert?

All the treatments conducted are carefully administered by skilled Expert Doctors so that you get noticeable and long-lasting results. Another characteristic that makes us special amongst other aesthetic treatment providers is that we are ready to serve you at your home and that too at the most affordable prices.

Get a Complementary Facial

Value £80

When you have

any Filler treatment


“I love the results of my lip fillers. They are the perfect size and look so natural. I never liked the way lipstick looked on me and now I can wear any lipstick and feel confident. ”


“I trust Expert completely to inject my face, ive seen my doctor time and time again and im really happy with the results. ”


“My doctor was really honest with the outcome of my procedure, she went through all of the outcomes and the areas I should have injected. Different types of Juvaderm was used on different areas of my face. After my liquid face lift I can see a massive improvement.”


“My under eyes have bothered me for a long time and I decided to have the under eye fillers. My eyes look fresher and I don't look tired so its made a real difference. ”


“I would definitely recommend Expert for the nose filler. My nose was flat and unattractive side profile. The filler instantly made a big difference, my new nose is raised, shaped and contoured. ”


Bfore & After


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Expert Center
31-32 Eastcastle Street
London W1W 8DL

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